Plan kursu

Specialized IT language course

Lesson 1

Topic :Hardware vs software.

Objective: Introducing students to fundamental concepts of hardware and software, emphasizing their relationship in computing, presenting a sample text on the topic, engaging in discussions using the key vocabulary.

Introduction: Presentation of basic definitions of hardware and software, presentation of key terms related to the topic.

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary.

Example discussion topics:

1.How would hardware function without software and vice versa?

2.How do new hardware and software technologies influence the capabilities and performance of computers?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 2

Topic: A day at the office, types of computers.

Objective: Introducing students to vocabulary related to office environment and different types of computers.

Introduction: Presentation of key vocabulary related to office equipment and types of computers

Sample text: A short text describing a typical day at the office highlighting the use of different types of computers and office equipment.

Example discussion topics:

1.How does technology, including computers, enhance productivity and efficiency in office environment?

2.How are different types of computers used in different office settings?

3.What are some emerging trends in office technology and how do they impact the way we work?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 3

Topic: IT interview questions and how to answer them.

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to IT interview questions, presenting sample interview questions and model answers, role playing  an IT job interview.

Introduction: presentation of key vocabulary related to IT interview questions, like soft and technical skills, encouraging extreme job interview questions.

Sample job interview

Example job interview topic:

1.Role play job interviews

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 4

Topic: Health and safety when working with computers.

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to health and safety when working with computers, presenting a sample text on the topic and engaging in discussions about best practices and strategies for maintaining  a safe and healthy work environment.

Introduction: introduction of key vocabulary related to health and safety when working with computers.

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary.

Example discussion topics:

1.What are some ergonomic principles to consider when setting up a computer workstation?

2.Why is maintaining good posture important when working with computers?

3.How can employers promote a culture of health and safety when working with computers?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 5

Topic: Online  communication; Word processing features.

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to online  communication and word processing features, presenting a sample text on the topic and engaging in discussions about best practices and strategies for effective communication and document editing.

Introduction: Introduction of key vocabulary related to online communication and word processing features, including the exchange of information via the Internet and social media as well as a variety of formatting tools.

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary, including examples of emails.

Example discussion topics:

1.What are some common guidelines for writing professional and effective emails?

2.What are some essential formatting tools and techniques for creating a well-structured and visually appealing documents?

3.Why is it important for individuals to develop digital literacy skills, including proficiency in word processing software and online communication platforms?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 6

Topic: Modern technologies.

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to modern technologies, presenting a sample text on the topic, engaging in discussions about the impact and implications of these technologies on society. 

Introduction: Introduction of key vocabulary related to modern technologies, such as AI, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, etc.

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary; applying a story telling technique.

Example discussion topics:

1.How do modern technologies impact society, economy and culture? What are some potential risks and opportunities associated with their use?

2.What emerging trends and developments in modern technologies are likely to shape the future? How can individuals and organisations prepare for these changes?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 7

Topic: Chat GPT as  an example of AI language models:  strengths and weaknesses

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to AI language models, presenting a sample text on Chat GPT, engaging in discussions about its strengths and weaknesses and ethical considerations.

Introduction: Introduction of key vocabulary related to Chat GPT.

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary.

Example discussion topics:

1.What are some of the key strengths of Chat GPT?  How do they improve efficiency and productivity in various tasks?

2.What are some limitations and weaknesses of Chat GPT?

3.What ethical concerns arise from the use of Chat GPT, such as privacy issues, manipulation of information and job displacement.

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 8

Topic: Cybersecurity 

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to cybersecurity, presenting a sample text on the topic, engaging in discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of cybersecurity measures.

Introduction: Introduction of key vocabulary related to cybersecurity.

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary.

Example discussion topics:

1.What are some of the key strengths of cybersecurity measures, such as their ability to detect and prevent cyber attacks, protect sensitive data, etc.

2.What are some common weaknesses and challenges in cybersecurity, such as the rapidly evolving nature of cyber threats?

3.What ethical and legal considerations arise in the field of cybersecurity, such as privacy rights, data protection regulations?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 9

Topic: Exploring e-commerce

Objective: Providing students with vocabulary related to e-commerce, presenting a sample text on the topic, engaging in discussions about various aspects of e-commerce.

Introduction: Introduction of key vocabulary related to e-commerce

Sample text: A short text using the key vocabulary.

Example discussion topics:

1.What are some current trends shaping the e-commerce industry, such as mobile shopping, and the rise of subscription services? How are these trends influencing consumer behaviour and business strategies?

2.What security measures are in place to protect customers’ personal and financial information in e-commerce transactions? How can business build trust with their customers?

3.How has e-commerce facilitated global trade and expanded market opportunities for businesses around the world?

Conclusion: Summary of the key vocabulary, homework.


Lesson 10

Topic: Summary of lessons 1-9

Objective: Revision of the studied material.

Data publikacji: 2024-04-07 00:00:00


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Firma BALAJCZA sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich i jest beneficjentem Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, oś priorytetowa III ”Wsparcie innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach”, Działanie 3.3  Wsparcie promocji oraz internacjonalizacji innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw”, Poddziałanie 3.3.1 „Polskie Mosty Technologiczne”.